Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Shifting Into A New Beginning

As the holidays vastly approach we find ourselves preparing for holiday cooking, holiday shopping and figuring out what we will do for the New Year. However, instead of waiting until the holidays or waiting to make a New Year’s resolution you can take the time to shift your life into a new beginning. Recently, I was faced with the fact that I needed a change so my daughter and I decided to jump on the road to Columbia, which is only an hour in a half from where I live. It was a drive that I needed  to clear my mind and shift into my new life. Sometimes in order to take a leap into new beginnings we have to stop looking backwards. When you look backwards it only stifles the growth process. 
It can be scary to decide to make a new start in your life but in the end you will feel rejuvenated . Rejuvenation creates a sense of refreshment bringing renewal to your life. No one can embrace new beginnings until they make a decision to move forward from the past. It is important in the last month of this year you begin to look forward, think of all the possibilities your life can bring by accepting a place of newness. Below are a couple tips to help you shift into a new beginning before the New Year.

Tips Into Shifting Into A New Beginning
Launch Out. Stop second guessing yourself and take a leap of faith, launch out into the deep. We often allow fear to hold us back from unfamiliarity but let the unknown be your fuel to push you forward.

Embrace Newness. Do not fight the new but embrace it because when you embrace new things then you can enlarge your life in greater ways.
Change is Good. We often fight change but change is always good. It helps us grow and evolve into a better person.
Why Wait Start Now. Do not wait until a perfect moment or time to start, life is waiting for you to live it to the fullest. The moment is now!

The moment is now shift into your new place!