Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Simple Ways To Create Your Life Mantra

Mantras are defined as reaffirming  words that have the power to define and shape your life. Mantras are the puzzle pieces that glue your life together. I believe mantras can help you speak into existence the life you desire to live. Regular quotes we recite on a daily basis can become our mantras in life. This month I decided to create a personal life mantra to stay focus on the life I want to cultivate. It has been a great experience for me because when I have down days I remember my mantra, Live, Laugh, Love. I wanted to live more, laugh more & love more in 2015. Below are simple ways to create a mantra that can give your life a boost to flow in the right direction.

Tips To Create Your Life Mantra

1. Favorite Quotes. Think of your favorite quote and underline the words that stick out to you. Then try to connect a mantra that fits the life you want to create.

2. Words are powerful. Words have the power to create, transform or destroy our lives. It is important to speak positive life giving words instead of words that can create the life we do not desire. Take inventory of all the negative words you say and replace them with positive words.

3. Research. Research key phrases that pinpoint the journey you are currently on in your life.

4. Simplicity. Make sure your mantra is something that is effective and you can remember it. Keep it simple and sweet.

5. Write it down, Recite & Repeat. In order to keep your life mantra present it will be important to write it down and stick it in a visible place you can recite everyday.

These are five simple steps to help you create a life mantra that will keep you inspired, centered and focused on your journey ahead!