Monday, March 21, 2016

Create Your Fabulous Life!

I believe it is important to have a life that you are proud of when you start to reflect on all the things you accomplished in it. So often, people live to work instead of work to live. Their life is consumed with a monotonous routine of misery. They stop believing in living their dream and work becomes slavery. In the back of their minds they want more but fear the reality of not being able to pursue what they initially love. 

I can vividly remember the day I wanted to get out the rate race and start living a life that was more genuine to the person I wanted to be. I was tired of running after a paycheck week after week just to end up with nothing left to show for it. Once I began to pursue what I love my load became lighter and I became a lot happier. Since, the beginning of this year I decided to fearlessly pursue my dream and create the lifestyle I always desired. In the pursuit of living a fabulous life it has challenged me to believe in myself, have faith that God will provide and know living my purpose and passion is important. When you decide to start living your dream and stop fearing the unknown understand their will be opposition but the more you pursue the life you really want the closer your purpose will align in your life.

If you are tired of living an ordinary life and truly want to know the power in creating a fabulous life check out the tips below to help you on your journey.

1. Make A Decision. Don't be indecisive have the courage to make the decision to let go of your miserable life to embrace the life you want.

2. Tread Slowly. Once you make a practical decision that you want a better life get a plan to work towards your goal. Make an effort to work on your goals daily and make sure you take the time to write them down. Create a realistic time table to complete each goal.

3. Be Quiet. Don't announce your decision immediately. Take the time to skillfully complete everything on your list before you announce the decision to the people that will be effected by it. 

4. Be Fearless. We all fear things but it is moving in spite of the fear that will help you conquer it. No matter how much your fear the unknown move in the pursuit of your fabulous life no matter what.

5. Vision Boards Do Work. After you have written the vision make an effort to post the vision before you. Create a vision board to represent the life you desire, you can also do a vision board party to make it fun. 

In order to create a fabulous life you need the confidence to believe you can accomplish it. If you want a boost of self-confidence check out my newly released eBook here: